Back in the day, when DVD was King.

50 First Dates

Ocean's Eleven


Fight Club (did you find the easter egg?)


Fargo Special Edition (also has an easter egg)

Death to Smoochy
Harry Potter 3 Prisoner of Azcaban
Fight Club
Men In Black SE
Oceans 11
Joe Dirt
Vertical Limit
Simpsons Season 1
Gandhi SE
The Big Picture
Tokyo Raiders
Buena Vista Social Club
Brokedown Palace
Story of Us
Nightmare on Elm St Box set
Land of the Dead
50 Cent PSP
Jeepers Creepers 2
Xmen Evolution: X Marks the Spot
Robin Hood with Earl Flynn
Blue Collar Comedy Tour
A Mighty Wind
Cradle to the Grave
Femme Fetal
Jetsons Season 1
Fargo SE
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang SE
Flintstones Season 3
Windtalkers Directors Cut
National Lampoons Vacation
The Swarm
Baby Looney Toons
The Courtship of Eddies Father
The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean
Osmosis Jones
Happiness pf the Katakuris
Joe vs the Volcano
The Bad and the Beautiful
Death to Smoochy
2 Can Play that Game
Batman the animated series
Mad Max 2
Forbidden Planet
50 First Dates
James Bond DVD encyclopedia
Bubba HoTep
Pink Panther SE
Open Season
Land Of the Dead PSP
Beck Guero PSP
50 Cent PSP